Full Moon - April 5, 2023

Tomorrow night is the Full Moon! Time to get with Anders (@astrowithanders), our resident astrologer and Oakland store manager, to get some insights on what to expect.

The Full Moon is happening at 16 degrees of Libra on Wednesday night at 9:35pm.

Libra is the sign most people associate with balance because it is represented by the scales. However, both Aries and Libra occur at the times of year when the days and nights are nearly equal in length and so I believe that Aries has something to teach us about balance too.

This Full Moon, I encourage you to reflect on where in your life you feel out of balance. Are you too accommodating and need to assert yourself more? Aries energy can definitely help with that! Have you been really focused on your own projects and haven't reached out to your friends for a minute? Libra invites you to remember that you aren't alone!

So much has happened astrologically this month between Saturn, Pluto and Mars changing signs, it's a great time to reconnect and see what everyone else has been up to.

And just a reminder - Anders is hosting an in-person Aries New Moon Astro-Ritual in our Oakland location later this month.

⭐️ Aries/Eclipse New Moon Astro-Ritual with Anders ⭐️
Wednesday, April 19 from 7:00pm to 8:30pm
🌚 In-Person at our Oakland location 🌚

We'll gather under this special Solar Eclipse to learn about the Mars ruled cardinal fire sign of Aries!

Part astrology class and part ritual, we'll spend some time exploring Aries energies through discussion and then do a ritual that embodies those themes. This class is open to folks from all levels of experience with astrology and magic, especially if you've been looking to incorporate more astrology into your magic practice or vice versa or just want to connect with other magical folks.