Full Moon in Pisces - September 2021

The Full Moon is coming up on Monday, so what better time to ask Andi, our Oakland store manager and an amazing astrologer, what energy shift we should be working with. Here is what he has to say:

This Monday at 4:55pm PST there will be a Full Moon at 28 degrees Pisces with the Sun at 28 degrees Virgo. The Sabian symbols for this full moon are quite revealing, literally: "Light breaking into many colors as it passes through a prism" (Moon) and "A person gaining secret knowledge from an ancient scroll they are reading" (Sun). What insights can you glean from this last month of Virgo season spent analyzing the details and cleaning out neglected spaces? This Full Moon is likely to illuminate and bring psychic clarity to an issue that has been perplexing you, such that you can now see it clearly for each of its parts.

Also during this Full Moon chart Mercury (ruler of the Sun) is both squaring Pluto and trining Jupiter (ruler of the Moon). You may be super jazzed to share this new information but be mindful about how you choose to communicate these insights with those around you. We are also officially in the Mercury retrograde shadow (starts 9/29) so may even change your own mind in the coming weeks. Be patient, the truth will endure if it is indeed true.