New Moon (and Eclipse!) in Sagittarius - December 2021

A New Moon AND an Eclipse!? Better put in a call to Andi (Oakland store manager and our resident Astrologer) to see what we can expect with that energy combination! This is what he has to tell us:

There's a quickening in the air, like a group of centaurs galloping together and gaining speed. Have you felt it? We are in the midst of eclipse season with the last eclipse happening in the sign of Sagittarius for 9yrs. This Solar eclipse takes place on Friday at 11:42pm PST so it won't be visible but certainly felt. It also happens to be at the same degree of the USA's Sibley Chart Ascendant, 12 degrees Sagittarius. As the US also approaches its first exact Pluto return in February 2022, something crucial to this nation's identity and reputation is undergoing a major shift. The effects of eclipses ripple throughout time, 6 months and beyond so if nothing dramatic happens this weekend, just wait.

Whichever houses you have Sagittarius and Gemini in your own chart have gone through a lot of change and upheaval over the last year and a half. This last eclipse asks us: Are you following your truth? What did you learn and what still needs more study? Where do you need to loosen up and get a little wild? You don't need to do anything special to prepare, just be ready to show up and walk through the portal when it presents itself. Trust and have faith that you'll know it when you see it.