New Moon in Libra - October 2021

Our in-house astrologer Andi has some words to share about the New Moon coming up tomorrow in advance of the first session of the new Cosmic Consciousness: Astro-Wellness Salon!

Tomorrow at 4:04am we have a new moon in Libra at 13 degrees and it is going to be a feisty one! Mars, the planet of action and desire, is also in Libra, not quite a full degree away from the Sun and Moon.

Libra is not a comfortable sign for Mars since it cannot act as directly and swiftly as it wants because it has to take into account all of the social ramifications of its actions. So this leads to using indirect means or sometimes even passive aggressiveness. Also, when Mars is this close to the Sun, it is no longer visible in the sky and weakened in its ability to achieve.

Have you noticed over the past week that people seem to be a bit more on edge? This is a good new moon to pick a fight with someone but it probably won't be that satisfying. Try to find other Libran outlets for that Martian energy - make some aggro art, dance it out to your fave angsty music from your teens, rearrange your furniture, have a dialogue with your anger and ask it what it wants.