New Moon in Scorpio - November 2021

Our in-house astrologer Andi has some words to share about the Scorpio New Moon coming up tomorrow so we can all know what to expect in the days to come.

The Scorpio new moon arrives at 2:15pm Thursday and it is exactly opposite Uranus in Taurus. Whenever Uranus is involved, you can expect the unexpected. And with Saturn and Mars squaring each other, this new moon has no chill. If you choose to do any kind of ritual or magic at this time, I recommend detaching from any idea of what the result might look like and how long it will take (that's always a good idea but especially now!).

November in general is full of many tense moments as Saturn and Uranus prepare to square off again next month and Mars adds fuel to the fire from its home sign of Scorpio. This new moon also marks the beginning of eclipse season as the full moon on the 19th will be a partial lunar eclipse.

While Scorpio is a fixed water sign and may have a tendency to hold on or obsess, the astrology right now is all about letting go. Use the investigative, penetrating Scorpio energy of this new moon to get curious about why you hold on and what fears keep you from letting go. You will might be surprised by what you find!