New Moon in Capricorn - January 2022

Our first new Moon of the year! Let's ask Andi, Oakland store manager and our in-house Astrologer, what we should be expecting!

Sometimes the Gregorian calendar lines up really nicely with the cosmic cycles of the planets! The first new moon of 2022 is happening on the second day of the new year at 10:34am at 12 degrees Capricorn.

I recommend waiting until this day to state your New Year's resolutions or intentions so that they can be blessed by the energy of the serious, structure loving Sea Goat which has the gift of breaking down lofty goals into daily tasks. Little by slow, the goat makes its way up the mountain and so we start off this year focused on what is in our power to change, working diligently towards that.

This new moon is also happening in the same sign as the Venus retrograde so you can use this time to reflect on your financial, aesthetic and relationship choices and how these decisions align with your values. What are you willing to let go of and what price are you willing to pay to be in more alignment?

Don't forget to register now for the upcoming Cosmic Consciousness: Astro-Wellness Salon! Co-hosted by Andi and Sherri, this is an opportunity to explore how we can engage, learn from, celebrate, and otherwise “be with” the multidimensional healing properties of zodiacal energies.

This month they will be focusing on Capricorn. Coming up next Thursday evening, January 6th at 6:30pm to 8:00pm. Reserve your space now!