Reading of the Week - October 23, 2022

It's time for our Community Reading for the Week! This time we asked Oakland reader and staff member Rowan for their take on the week ahead starting today, Sunday October 23rd. For this reading they are using the Disney Villains Tarot.

Issue: The Star
Mirror, mirror, on my phone, what do I need in my bones? The Star reflects back to us those things that our soul uses to steer our way through the world. A period of illumination may be approaching in which we feel this clarity descending upon us. Use this awareness for good!

Strategy: Queen of Cups
Brew up a potion to manifest your heart's desires, or those of any poor, unfortunate souls who come to you asking for help- but be sure to do so with compassion! As Ursula says, "Remember, the only way to get what you want is to become human yourself."

Goal: 5 of Wands
Our goal is to allow for a dynamic change of direction to occur without getting into ego battles or a tug-o-war of wills. Much like biting the poisoned apple, the way forward may not be what we were expecting or had planned. However, if you can breathe through and lean into the discomfort ahead you may find that you end up happily ever after, after all.

Rowan is available for in person readings at our Oakland location, and is now offering optional Candle Services along with his readings!

To get to know more about these and to book a reading from him, check out their bio page.