Reading of the Week - November 6, 2022

It's time for our Community Reading for the Week! This week Iris from our Portland store shares her insights on what is in store for us in the week ahead. This reading starts today (Sunday, November 6th) and runs through the end of the week. She is using Tarot of the Divine by Yoshi Yoshitani for this week's reading.

Queen of Coins
We are well rooted, when we remember to feel our roots, and after spending Hallows with us,our ancestors are awake and ready to advise and assist us. Our needs are worthy of being met; we are fertile, abundant, and capable and we have the ability to grow our resources.

King of Cups
We need kindness and generosity, we need a gentle structure that gives us support. We need this structure as we grow stronger, then our roots get to focus on nourishing because our rules are holding us up.

We're looking for a sense of balance and a sense of fairness in the world. We want to right the wrongs that have been done to us, and we have plenty of anger to spread around. BUT, anger is already plentiful. In order to reach balance, we actually need to spread love. We need to spread loving kindness, generosity, and hope.

Besides being a talented reader, Iris also hosts the monthly on-line Tarot Salon to help others learn about the Tarot and how to read cards for themselves and others.

The next session is happening this week on Wednesday, November 9th.

If you want to learn more or sign up use this link