February 20, 2022 - Reading of the Week

Time to share our Community Reading for the Week! We asked Oakland reader and staff member Rowan for his take on the week ahead starting today, Sunday February 20th. For this reading he is using the Disney Villains Tarot.

Issue: Ace of Cups (The Love Potion)
This week our hearts and emotions are taking center stage! We sense the potential for rewarding emotional experiences and are actively seeking them out. We need our cups (hearts) to be filled, and to share that fullness with others. The first step in this journey is to be content with our own personal fulfillment, so make sure your emotions are grounded before you try to share them.

Action: The Fool (Kronk)
The word of the day is enthusiasm! We are ready to kick off a new adventure and, with our hearts primed for success, we don't even hesitate as we move boldly forward. If you are feeling especially motivated to pursue a dream or goal this week then this is the time to do so. Luck is on your side!

Result: Page of Cups (Smee)
What a great time to learn more about ourselves and how we relate to others emotionally. Although Smee is a villain, he demonstrates tremendous loyalty to Captain Hook, and it is precisely this issue of emotional attachment that we will be examining in the future.

Trust your heart to guide you this week, and don't be afraid to put yourself out there, but stay open to learning from your experiences so they can reach their full potential.

Rowan is now offering optional Candle Services along with his readings! To get to know more about these and to book a reading from him, check out his page: Rowan