Reading of the Week - April 17, 2022

Deliah from our Portland store was asked to give us our Community Reading for the Week. Looking ahead from today, Sunday, April 17th and running for the week. Deliah is using The Mushroom Tarot by Chris Adams for this reading.

The Situation:
Page of Wands brings us positive news, particularly regarding health in some way. Perhaps a better diet or routine is coming to light! Now is a good time to try out new things because our power of manifestation is particularly strong.

The Obstacle:
Wheel of Fortune reminds us that we are often our own worst enemy. Self discovery sometimes can be a brutal and nagging train we jump on that pushes us into the deepest corners of our inner traumas. While thoughts arise that might seem to be pushing us down, we must remember that this is all part of the healing process.

The Lesson:
Two of Pentacles asks us to try and balance out our energy. Being able to unite our physical with our spiritual bodies will help us to become more well rounded, making it easier to connect and align with our true purpose.

If you have questions about spirits, spellwork, herbalism, multi-dimensional topics, divination, or dream work, stop by the Portland location. Deliah will be happy to assist you in the shop and help you find what you need!

To book a reading with Deliah, you can schedule a session with her on her bio page.