Reading of the Week - June 12, 2022

For our Community Reading for the Week we asked Omikemi from our Oakland store to share their insights on what is in store for us in the week ahead starting today Sunday, June 12th. They are using Miss Cleo Tarot Deck for this reading.

The Hanged Man and 2 of Cups
are unifying to deliver a message about long lasting connections. They are asking us to better understand our connections with those closest to us. There is potential to expand on the connections we have or possibility to expand upon the perspective that we have towards those we have close connections to from our PAST. 2 of Cups speaks of intimate and soulful connections while the Hanged Man takes an objective or neutral look at how healthy and mutually beneficial the connections are as a whole.

The Page and 7 of Staffs
talk about being action oriented, inspiring, and passionate in all we do in this PRESENT moment. With the raw but clearly talented ability of the Page who is the closest magically to the Ace of the same suit, the magic is all there, but wielding it responsibly and accurately are the skills needed to be cultivated. 7 of Staffs encourages us to “remember who we are”, and to continue to walk with and defend our integrity using every ounce of determination and purpose we can conjure from within.

9 of Staves and the Star
remind us that the lessons we learn in the PAST and PRESENT will be the tools we can utilize in our FUTURE to achieve our dreams. Though we may now know who we are, we must continue to manifest our desires, deepest wishes, and dreams through honoring our integrity, our resolve, and aligning with those who we can truly call allies.

Omikemi offers Tarot readings utilizing a two-deck system; emphasizing and diving deeper into aspects of the tarot with a second deck to help further clarify any areas in the reading that the client would like.

To learn more or to book a reading with them visit their bio page.