Full Buck Moon Manifestation Spell

For this working, you'll need:
a specific intention - What are you manifesting for yourself?
a candle and safe holder on a steady surface
(white is appropriate to honor the moon, but any color that speaks to your intention is correct - look over our color guide here and trust your intuition)
an anointing oil (can be scented or not, must be skin-safe)
an amethyst
a moonstone
a clear glass with clean water

Find a quiet space and time to do your work. You'll need at least fifteen minutes of focus, plus attending to the candle as it burns. Cleanse yourself and set out your tools listed above. Take a minute to close your eyes, take three deep breaths, and begin.

Rub a little oil into your fingertips, and up and down the length of the candle. Feel yourself in this present moment, choosing to create magic, choosing to shape your reality. When you feel fully present, light the candle. The Fire of Change blesses your work.

Place a dab of oil at the center of your forehead, and feel your awareness become more open.

Hold the amethyst in your right hand, and let your mind's eye imagine the object of your desire. Focus on the goal - a new job, a better relationship, an end to oppression, a greater confidence in yourself. This stone carries your intention, your mental focus, your big idea.

Hold the moonstone in your left hand, and let yourself be open to any messages and support that this full moon offers. You are so deserving of this manifestation! You are ready to see how it will change your life. This stone carries the wishes that the universe has ready for you.

Slowly at first, then gaining speed, swap the stones back and forth from hand to hand. As they change places, faster and faster still, feel how the wishes you make for yourself and the wishes the universe has for you are blending together, how the energy of one stone amplifies the energy of the other. Breathe deeply, in to the count of 4, out to the count of 4. Feel the balance and the bond between the stones. They are both carrying your highest good.

Gently, take each stone and touch it to the outside of the glass, infusing the energy you just built up into the water. Drink it, feeling the power of your wishes becoming a part of your body. The Water of Sustaining enacts your spell. You are an embodiment of this wish!

Leave the stones near the candle as it burns, and allow the candle to burn itself out. (Be mindful and never leave a burning candle unattended. If you must put the flame out, be sure to light it again with careful intention later)

Carry these stones with you until you see your manifestation come to pass. Blessed be!