from Chalice deLight

As an acolyte of the Roman goddess Fortuna, one of the most crucial things I have learned is this: all things move in spirals. Wealth is only useful when it is in motion; it is an energy that ebbs & flows. Use this spell to locate yourself as a channel of that flow, gathering & releasing wealth like a bend in the bank of a river gathers & releases grains of sand.

You will need:
3 green, gold, or red candles (or one of each!!)
A money draw/wealth oil of your choosing (olive oil with a dash of cinnamon works great; so does bacon lard)
1 flat coin dish
1 smallish tin or mason jar (8 to 12 oz.)
1 large jar
cash tender, & regular opportunities to spend it

First, establish your stations. The first, your coin dish, should be near the door, or on your bedside table - wherever you like to take your bag & shoes off when you get home for the day.
The second station, your smaller tin or jar, can be nearby the first; mine lives on my bedroom's Fortuna altar!!
The third & largest receptacle should live somewhere prominent & special, like your household altar, or even atop (or inside) a dedicated prosperity altar. If you don't have a space like that, the top of the refrigerator or somewhere similarly central to the home will do.

Begin this spell, if possible, on a Thursday. Anoint your candles the way you see fit & set one at each station. Light the first one while speaking a short blessing on yourself & your wealth. Here's the one I use:

"That I may always have enough,
which means enough to share!!"

Then, take your wallet & empty all the coins into the first dish. Give gratitude for what you have, bask in the light of your candle, & then snuff it out with a brief prayer of thanks.

From that Friday on, every time you come home with change in your pockets, light your first candle, speak your blessing, & give those coins to the dish. When the dish fills up, light the second candle as you transfer those coins to the second station; eventually, when the second station will fill up, & you can light the third candle, & transfer all those coins to the largest jar!!

In a few months (depending on how commonly you spend cash), your largest jar will be full, & you may complete the spell with this offering of gratitude: take the coins to your bank (or CoinStar), turn them back into paper cash, & spend all that money in joyful recognition of your ability to do so. Treat yourself; treat a friend; make a donation; take yourself out to a fancy dinner. You may be surprised at how much money a quart or more of coins can be!!

After your splurge, if you enjoyed the fruits of your spell, start the cycle all over again. Remember, Fortuna, Goddess of the Wheel, tells us that everything is a spiral. Nothing is wasted. There are times to spend & times to save, times to take in & times to pour out. This spell has become a regular part of my devotion to Lady Luck, & I've found her hand in my life to be open & giving. May you, too, find joy in your own little spot on the riverbank through this longitudinal wealth working.