Reading of the Week - August 7, 2022

It's time for our Community Reading for the Week! This time we asked Iris from our Portland store to share her insights on what is in store for us in the week ahead. This reading starts today (Sunday, July 7th) and runs through the end of the week. She is using Prismavisions Tarot by James R Eads for this week's reading.

What: the Magician
It’s time to take the wish and make it reality. Making change in your life requires changing your life! If you do the same thing you will get the same results, but your inner Magician knows that’s not what you want. Be bold and do it!

How: 8 of Pentacles
Gather the resources you’ve been cultivating. Gather your knowledge and experience, gather your allies and supporters, get a good look at all that you’ve been able to build so far. You can do it again, you know. You can build and grow again.

When: Ace of Wands
Now, dear one. Right now. Even if it’s a slow start, start now.

Besides being a talented reader, Iris also hosts the monthly on-line Tarot Salon to help others learn about the Tarot and how to read cards for themselves and others.

The next session is happening this week on Wednesday, August 10th.

If you want to learn more or sign up use this link: