Reading of the Week - September 4, 2022

Time to share our Community Reading for the Week! We asked Oakland reader and staff member Rowan for his take on the week ahead starting today, Sunday September 4th. For this reading they are using the Tarot in Pandemic & Revolution (new locally made by Bay Area artists).

Issue: 10 of Pentacles
This week the work and home take center stage, with issues of shared resources, sustainable wealth, and healthy foundations being of particular importance. Draw strength from your community at this time, and make sure you also play your part to help it thrive. Together we can accomplish so much more than we can as individuals.

Action: La Madre
This card, which is unique to the Tarot in Pandemic & Revolution deck, speaks to the everyday acts of revolution that we can perform. This week you can take something old and make it new by restitching it with courage and loving care. Thank your elders for paving the way and then honor them by carrying the torch forward.

Resolution: El Sol
Success is ours, my friends! The spell work and the self-work fully integrate and make our dreams manifest in the physical world. This is our moment to shine, share our unique gifts, and reclaim our identities. A joyful moment to be shared.

Besides returning to in-person reading in our Oakland store, Rowan is now offering optional Candle Services along with his readings!

To get to know more about these and to book a reading from him, check out his bio page.