Reading of the Week - February 19, 2023

It's time for our Community Reading for the Week! We asked Oakland reader and staff member Rowan for their take on the week ahead starting today, Sunday, February 19th. For this reading they are using The Animal Totem deck.

What to focus on: Page of Pentacles
Take a breath and feel the earth beneath your feet. Throughout this week, as often as you need to, give yourself gentle reminders to ground and be present. As Spring approaches think not about what seeds you *want* to grow this year, but rather ask yourself, "What is currently ready to grow?" Stay practical and honest as you answer this question and you'll be set for success.

What to do about it: The Fool
Now that we know what seeds we'll be tending to this year it's time to seek some fresh perspective! Go out and get your hands dirty by enrolling in a course, beginning a new project, or reading a book that will keep you engaged and moving towards your goals.

How to create healthy goals: Justice
The Spring Equinox a month from now brings with it the balance of cosmic energies as day and night hang in perfect harmony. Try to channel this energy into your mind and heart as you think about what goals will strike the right balance between achievable and motivating. Think about what you would like to achieve by the Fall Equinox and whether that can be done at a reasonable pace. Remember, you're gearing up for a marathon, not a sprint.

Rowan is available for in person readings at our Oakland location, and is now offering optional Candle Services along with their readings!

To get to know more about these and to book a reading from them, check out their bio page.