Reading of the Week - April 9, 2023

Our Reading for the Week comes from Omikemi, Oakland staff member and reader. This reading starts today, Sunday April 9th and runs through the week ahead. For this week's reading, they are using The Uusi Pagan Otherworlds Tarot.

9 of Swords:
restlessness, anxiety, night terrors and all of the other painfully difficult emotions that our psyche conjures up in the dark are playing themselves out to the max this week and the best part of this reading is that we know it is coming. Gather up your CBD gummies, chamomile tea, meditation playlists, and favorite children cartoons and be as gentle and loving as you can to yourself. Indicated by the swan on the card; this is a perfect time to grant ourselves GRACE.

Knight of Cups Reversed:
the flighty, inconsistent, and flawed but desired intimacy this Knight brings is unparalleled. The Knight of cups is all out of their charm and mystical wonder this week and is focused on just being present in whatever drops of emotion that cling to the upside down chalice in their hand. Limit expectations of others and yourself this week; focus on what is needed to keep yourself sound and sane. Oh, and don’t make any promises this week; you may find it a challenge to keep them.

King of Cups Reversed:
This King has been here before and though it is disorienting, they are emotionally un-phased by the process at this stage in life. Minimal efforts towards what is needed will be deployed and the reserves will be tapped into during this time. The King must somehow rule a kingdom while being well past capacity. It won’t be pretty and it will require sacrifices, however you know what it looks like on the other side of this and that is the driving force keeping you from putting down the crown and chalice all together. Hang in there and run up a check at least one time this week if you need/are able to… consider it an investment in your mental health.

Omikemi offers Tarot readings, both by phone and in-person, They utilize a two-deck system that uses a second deck to help clarify any areas that the client would like.

Visit their bio page for more.