This spell is written with all the bells and whistles, but it can be streamlined and adapted for what you have on hand.
Set your altar:
An image or representation of Brigid, and/or a Strength card from your tarot deck
two cups of tea: Vervain, Blackberry Leaf, and Lady's Mantle; one for you and one for the Goddess as an offering
a yellow candle and safe holder
a candle carving tool
Protection Oil or clove oil
Protection Powder or some small ground vervain
a garnet or another grounding stone
Set up your sacred space - call the elements, cast a circle, and let your mind rest for a moment
When you are ready, invite Brigid to join you, perhaps using these words:
"Goddess of the forge, of poetry, of healing, I call to you. I call to you and bring you this offering of sacred herbs and pure water. I call to you and ask you for your blessing of strength."
Take up your carving tool and carve this sigil:
into your candle. speak the words that are included in the sigil, "We are protected from all harm" nine times while you carve.
Dress the candle with your oil and powdered herbs. Rub the herbs into the sigil well.
Light the candle. Carefully observe the flame. Drink your tea. Feel the fire within you warming you and inspiring you to be strong.
Send this energy to yourself - tap your body, clap, hum. Let this strength radiate through you. Hold your stone and speak your name over it three times. "I am protected from all harm"
Send this energy to your community - speak the names of people you know who are struggling."We are protected from all harm"
Send this energy to our community - speak the names of the stores you love that have been vandalised or are struggling. Send this strength to the witches, the queers and trans folk, PoC, weirdos, artists, houseless neighbors. Picture the faces and hear the voices of the vulnerable people you have met. "You are protected from all harm"
Send this energy to the global community - speak the names of the places that are under oppression, war, and despotism. "We are protected from all harm"
Finish your tea, let the candle burn down, and add the stone to your pocket or permanent altar space. Let your mind rest a moment and thank the goddess for her strength. release your sacred space - thanks the elements, release the circle. it is done.
by Iris