Welp, here we are, the August sun blazing relentlessly down on us. In the heat of summer, what we really need is a cool, refreshing beverage to sip on all day. There are a number of traditional summer drinks from different hot parts of the world, and Willow and Jenny have come up with an iced tea that takes inspiration from “red drink,” a recipe that is popular across the southern US. The red color comes from hibiscus (also known as sorrel), which enslaved West Africans brought with them during the Middle Passage; a variety of red foods and drinks are often part of Juneteenth celebrations now. A variation is also served as a traditional Christmas drink in the Caribbean, with rum playing a major component!
Our tea is simple, but feel free to add cinnamon and/or other spices (or rum), as you desire. It also makes a great sun tea!
Herbal Iced Tea for Summer
½ oz dried elderflowers
⅓ oz dried hibiscus
¼ oz dried lemongrass, chopped and sifted
Honey to taste
Put herbs in bags or a strainer in a large heat-proof vessel, add 1 quart boiling water per 1 oz of herbs and steep for several hours.
Alternatively you can put it in a jar with cold water and place in the sun for at least a day. You want it to be strong so you can add ice without it getting too diluted, plus flavors are more muted in chilled beverages.
Sweeten to taste with honey before chilling.
Drink and be refreshed!