Reading of the Week - March 19, 2023

For our Community Reading for the Week we asked Jenny in our Portland store for her take on what we have to look forward to. This reading starts today, Sunday March 19th and runs for the week. For this reading Jenny is using the I Naibi di Giovanni Vacchetta

What to Consider: V - Il Ierophante (The Hierophant) and VII Denari (7 of Coins) -

We all need some kind of structure in our lives, but whose structure is governing us? Are we following a system that makes sense, that works? Or just the one imposed on us? What seeds can we nurture to grow a life where we thrive?

Don’t Forget!: VI Amore, Dolce Travaglio (The Lovers, Sweet Effort) -

We must find a way to love this work, because it remains to be done regardless of how we feel about it. So let it be a work of love, let our love be a verb.

If you would like to get a personal reading from Jenny, she offers both 30 and 60 minute sessions in our Portland store both in person or by phone.

You can find out more about Jenny, and book your own session here.