Reading of the Week - March 26, 2023

Our Reading for the Week comes from Omikemi, Oakland staff member and reader. This reading starts today, Sunday March 26th and runs for the week ahead. For this week's reading, they are using The Pulp Tarot by Todd Alcott

The Magician shows up this Aries Season with all of the resourcefulness, capability, and showperson-ship needed to stand out in their own unique energy. There is a bit of shyness with this energy but once they get under that spotlight, they become overtaken with all of the curiosity, wonder, and charisma that encapsulates and emulates the spark within. Remember who you are and let your light shine bright.

Hell is hot; which is a great thing for the Devil. The heat of the fire brings forth temptation, inspiration, lust, movement, transformation, and too much of these things can be unhealthy for us, knocking us out of homeostasis. It is important to understand the personality of your inner sensualist and saboteur and learn to play well with them. One thing the Devil knows, is how to throw a raging party, be sure to know how and when to “rain” it in before things get too hot to handle.

The Ten of Cups; beautifully gilded chalices and goblets filled with waters, mysteries, and various other emotional energies perfectly balanced within each vessel. They as a collection create the ideal love, happy, and celebratory ideology of what emotional success and happiness look like in life. Be sure to seek out moments of pleasure like this during Aries Season, inviting any and all who have supported you in achieving that moment to revel in all the bliss and glory. This is a reminder for us not to just share the stories of our joy in the world but to share the moment as well with those we love and care deeply for.

Omikemi offers Tarot readings, both by phone and in-person, They utilize a two-deck system that uses a second deck to help clarify any areas that the client would like.

Visit their bio page for more.