Full Moon in Gemini - December 2021

The Full Moon is upon us - and the last one for this year. Let's see what our in-house Astrologer Andi has to tell us about it...

Giddy up y'all! The final full moon of 2021 is happening at 8:35pm on Saturday the 18th at 27 degrees Gemini. This lunation features a trine from Jupiter in Aquarius and comes mere hours after Venus stations retrograde next to Pluto in Capricorn. Venus has been slowing down all month and had her first exact meeting with Lord of the Underworld Pluto on the 12th, bringing underlying relationship issues to the surface. These two will meet again on the 25th, great time to unwrap some unhealthy dynamics right?!

This full moon marks the halfway point between these two meetings between Venus and Pluto and invites us to purge, release, and process whatever has come up so far. The ruler of this full moon, Mercury, is in Capricorn and squaring the "wounded healer" Chiron in Aries. A Capricorn Mercury usually has a no nonsense, direct approach to communicating that might come across as harsh or blunt. There will be an urge to let it all out, be mindful of how, when and with who you choose to do this. And if you are being too harsh on yourself, call in support from a loved one who can give you a good dose or Capricorn realism.

Overall this is a great time to release what you want to leave behind in 2021 with a whisper or a shout and let the wind disperse all of that unwanted energy.