Iris's Tarot Spread for the New Year

This spread has a mini reading for each quarter of the upcoming year; Winter to Spring, January first to the spring equinox, Spring to Summer, equinox to the summer solstice, Summer to Fall, solstice to the fall equinox, and Fall to Winter, equinox to the winter solstice (or the end of 2022, as you choose).

Shuffle the cards and center yourself. Breathe deeply and gently and then lay the cards.

For each season, lay 3 cards:

1 card for your Head, or the issue that will be most present on your mind this season

1 for your Heart, or the way you will feel about this issue

1 for your Hands, or what you should do about this issue

Remember that court cards may indicate people you already know, people you may meet in the new year, or parts of your personality that you will be developing in that season.

Record (and photograph, if you wish) your reading so that you can refer to it throughout the year ahead. This can be an excellent start to a journal for 2022. Blessed be!