January 30, 2022 - Reading of the Week

Deliah from our Portland store was asked to give us our Community Reading for the Week. Looking ahead from today, Sunday, January 30th and runs for the week, Deliah is using the Prisma Visions Tarot by James R. Eads for this reading.

Boundaries to stick to: Justice reminds us of what’s truly important at our core being. There is no more room to pretend, nowhere injustice can grow, and no more time to play petty games that just don’t make sense. Voicing our opinions and owning our truth is no longer an option for humanity. If you don’t speak up, you WILL get trampled along the way.

Collective Archetype/Energy: Ace of Chalices gives us all that spark of emotional inspiration this week, and this could be the key to deeper self understanding for a lot of people. If you don’t know where you stand, now would be a good time to figure it out. Journaling or other creative endeavors are going to be extremely useful tools for the week ahead!

Boundaries to re-examine: Perhaps the things you thought you wanted, aren’t actually what you want…it may be time to reconsider your options or desires as they could be blocking your path ahead. What beliefs do you have about yourself/situation? Are they helping or hindering you?

If you have questions about spirits, spellwork, herbalism, multi-dimensional topics, divination, or dream work, stop by the Portland location. Deliah will be happy to assist you in the shop and help you find what you need! To book a reading with Deliah, you can schedule a session with her on her bio page.