January 23, 2022 - Reading of the Week

Jenny in our Portland store was tagged to give us our Community Reading for the Week, which starts today (January 23rd) and runs through the end of the week. For this reading Jenny is using the Light Visions Tarot.

Where we’ve been: Knight of Wands
We've been doing everything we can to keep moving forward; keeping our heads up, and staying strong and committed. It's been hard work, but we've known our paths were true.

Where we are now: Eight of Swords
We're just plain tired though, and right now it feels like the fight is endless. We don't actually see a way forward anymore, or we don't like what it seems to be. We are feeling so done.

Where we ought to be heading: Eight of Pentacles
Time to re-ground in our bodies and find our inner rhythm again. The world is going to keep on happening, so it's imperative to tend our inner gardens.

Note From the Universe: King of Swords
We are the only masters of our own minds and thoughts. Time to pick up or renew a meditation practice perhaps, but whatever we choose, remember that no one else can control our own hopes and fears.

If you would like to get a personal reading from Jenny, she offers both 30 and 60 minute sessions in person at the Portland store or by phone. You can easily book a reading with her when you visit her bio page.