Full Moon in Cancer - January 2022

Our first Full Moon of 2022 is coming up in a few days! let's see what Andi, our in-house astrologer, has to say about it:


This Monday at 3:48pm, the moon reaches its fullness at 27 degrees Cancer, opposing the Capricorn Sun and Pluto. While the Moon is usually quite happy in its cozy, home sign of Cancer, the presence of Pluto brings an unsettling and intense vibe. Emotions will be extra heightened so get the tissues ready and be gentle with yourself and others. What tools and practices do you have to self-soothe?

With Mercury and Venus also retrograde, there will be a strong pull towards the past and reminiscing which is something that nostalgic Cancer is prone to do already. While there may be some issues that need to be revisited and renegotiated, Pluto's energy lends itself to obsessiveness so be mindful of that tendency in yourself.

For a more in-depth astrological reading, book one with Andi. He offers several types to choose from (Natal, Transit, Solar Return, and Vocational) to help you really know what is going on in your life.

To learn more, and book with Andi use the Book Now button on his bio page.