January 16, 2022 - Reading of the Week

Time to share our Community Reading for the Week! We asked Oakland reader and staff member Rowan for his take on the week ahead starting today, Sunday January 16th. For this reading he is using the unofficial 10th Kingdom Major Arcana fan deck.

A Goal to Focus On: The Devil
Some big fears may arise to challenge us this week, forcing us into confrontation with things we have avoided and the forces we've given power over us. Be prepared to be unflinchingly honest with yourself, because right now that is the path toward freedom. It will be a challenge. Integrity is a defining question facing us this week. It is also worth examining whether the things we enjoy are paid for at someone else's expense.

A Challenge to Meet: Strength Reversed
We may have a hard time believing in ourselves this week, but being brave will be very important. Challenges and setbacks may seem to outpace our ability to respond to them. But keep faith in yourself, and be patient with the world around you as it is also on a journey. If a situation arises which makes you feel powerless, remember that it is how you behave when you feel powerless, rather than when you feel invulnerable, that defines your courage. Be true.

Rowan is now offering optional Candle Services along with his readings! To get to know more about these and to book a reading from him, check out his bio page.