January 9, 2022 - Reading of the Week

Iris from our Portland store was asked to share her insights for our Community Reading for the Week. She is looking ahead from today (Sunday, January 9th) to the end of the week using the Labyrinth Tarot by Minerva Siegel, art by Tomas Hijo.⠀

The Past - 5 of Feathers. We are carrying the weight of conflict, and it's heavier than feathers. It cuts us, wounds us, keeps us in the pattern of hurting each other. These conflicts are global, national, in our communities and in our own relationships, and they all influence our abilities to trust.⠀

Divine Influence - 3 of Junk. Even when we don't want to admit it, we know that we need each other. We are not separate beings, not really, we are all parts of this planetary organism and we are constantly affecting one another. We know, deep in our souls, that we must work together to accomplish anything.⠀

Mundane Influence - 6 of Poles. How do we heal? How do we add trust and care to this dangerous environment? It's by honoring each other. Even when we are angry or resentful, we must celebrate what accomplishments have already happened, and celebrate each other's achievements. Build up your neighbors, your friends, your community. Find the things you're proud of and share it.⠀

The Future - The Hanged Man. We know everything is not normal, and we are not sure it ever will be again. The sense that there is another change coming shadows everything we do. It's not easy, and we don't know if things are getting better or worse. This time of discomfort is teaching us something. Roar for help when you need it! Be ready to receive that help, and be ready to return the favor when it's your turn.⠀

Interested in getting a personal intuitive tarot reading from Iris? You can find out more about her and schedule a session with this link to her bio page.