Reading of the Week - October 9, 2022

It's time for our Community Reading for the Week! This time we asked Iris from our Portland store to share her insights on what is in store for us in the week ahead. This reading starts today (Sunday, October 9th) and runs through the end of the week. She is using Tarot of the Divine by Yoshi Yoshitani for this week's reading.

Eight of Coins: We are being asked to focus on the labor of our hands and minds. What is the goal behind our labor? Who benefits from our work in the world? How does this work shape us? We are being changed by the work we do, this card asks us to examine how we are changed.

Trust that your intuition knows if your work is worthy. If it is, then devote yourself to it! But only in ways that still provide for you and feed your heart. If it isn’t, then find yourself a new outlet (even in off hours?) that is worthy of the brilliant gifts you bring.

Besides being a talented reader, Iris also hosts the monthly on-line Tarot Salon to help others learn about the Tarot and how to read cards for themselves and others.

The next session is happening this week on Wednesday, October 12th.

If you want to learn more or sign up use this link