Full Moon in Aries - October 9, 2022

🌕 Full Moon time again! 🌕 Our resident astrologer (and Oakland Store Manager) Andi has some insights to share with us so we can know what to expect with the new energies swirling about! here is what he has to share:

The Aries full moon reaches its peak at 1:55pm on Sunday, October 9th and presents an opportunity for healing old issues with new methods.

The Sun is at 16 degrees Libra, cozied up to Libra's ruler Venus at 13 degrees and the Moon is at 16 Aries and very close to Chiron, the Wounded Healer, at 14 degrees. Yes, healing is an internal process but we also need others to help us - show us where we still need to work and how far we've come already.

When someone else tries to pull you into a dynamic you've outgrown, that is a reflection on them, not you. New behaviors are uncomfortable until they become habit, so use the boldness of this Aries Full Moon to step into a new courageous you.

This full moon is also getting solid backup support from Saturn and Mars, encouraging self-assertion and setting boundaries like a badass!

And just a reminder - Andi is hosting an in-person Astro-Ritual in our Oakland store later this month!

⭐️ Scorpio New Moon Astro-Ritual ⭐️
Tuesday, October 25 from 7:00pm to 8:30pm
🌚 In-Person at our Oakland Location 🌚

Part astrology class and part ritual, we'll spend some time exploring Scorpio energies through discussion and then do a ritual that embodies those themes. Find out more and register to hold your spot here: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/427599019177