Reading of the Week - September 25, 2022

Our Community Reading for the Week comes from Portland store staff member and reader Deliah. Looking ahead from today, Sunday, September 25th and running for the week. Deliah is using The Halloween Tarot by Kipling West for this reading.

It’s that time of the year again where the ancestors and spirits call out for our attention. They bring us into deep thought and self reflection as we navigate our way toward the end of a cycle.

Remain strong as issues with imbalance and boundaries come up. If you can absorb/apply the information rather than give in to self doubt and fear, you will come out of this transition for the better.

We are meant to create balance at this time in alignment with Equinox, and to cleanse the old and stagnant energy on this New Moon. However, it is up to you to hear and learn those messages.

If you have questions about spirits, spellwork, herbalism, multi-dimensional topics, divination, or dream work, stop by the Portland location. Deliah will be happy to assist you in the shop and help you find what you need!

To book a reading with Deliah, you can schedule a session with her on her bio page.