New Moon in Libra - September 26, 2022

The New Moon is coming up on Sunday, September 25, 2022 at 2:54pm PST and moves us into the sign of Libra. Let's get a heads up from Andi, our resident astrologer, to see what we need to be aware of and keep in mind.

Shall we Dance?

Sunday's Libra New Moon opposes Jupiter in Aries, which brings the potential for disruption or a change of tempo.

I imagine the Sun and Moon as a couple dancing the waltz, graceful and measured in true Libra fashion, while Jupiter in Aries is a raucous DJ who suddenly changes the song to high volume EDM and now it's a rave.

How do you adapt and still hold space for a shared experience under new conditions? In this partner dance with the Universe, do you like to lead or follow? Libra strives for social balance, maybe it's time to switch it up!

If you are curious and want to explore more, Andi is starting an *in person* New Moon Astro-ritual event series this month!

Part astro workshop and part ritual, we will use magic to deepen our knowledge of the sign while working with the potent energy of the new moon.

You can find out more and register for this event here.