Reading of the Week - September 18, 2022

For our Community Reading for the Week we asked Jenny in our Portland store for her take on what we have to look forward to. This reading starts today, Sunday September 18th and runs for the week. For this reading Jenny is using The Gentle Tarot.

Where you’re coming from - Harvest of Cups:
All our relationships teach us about ourselves; the maturity that comes from our experiences enables us to navigate new paths with wisdom. We don’t have to know what’s ahead of us to know that we’ll find our way.

Where you’re at - Two of Wands:
The time to take the next step is now. Try to leave doubt behind and trust that you’ve got this, because every day is a fresh opportunity to create something wonderful. The excitement and momentum of new adventures will carry us forward.

Where you’re heading - The Tower:
Change is life, and all that we’ve learned and done is preparing us to see things in an entirely new way. Inspiration is coming, clarity of mind is coming, and it’s beautiful. Don’t be afraid to look.

Note from the Universe - Four of Thunder:
Everything feels more possible when we’re well rested. The risk of burnout is real so we must claim time to truly rest, it’s the only sustainable option.

If you would like to get a personal reading from Jenny, she offers both 30 and 60 minute sessions in our Portland store both in person or by phone.

You can easily book a reading with her at her bio page.