Reading of the Week - November 13, 2022

Our Community Reading for the Week comes from Portland store staff member and reader Deliah ( @deliahscuriocabinet ). Looking ahead from today, Sunday, November 13th and running for the week. She is using the Samiramay Tarot by Vera Petruk for this reading.

We may be feeling trapped in a situation of great importance to our well being, but the universe wants to remind us that great cosmic justice is ready to be served.

Remain still and grounded as these energies are working their way through our communities and within each of us as individuals.

The number 88 brings us abundance and an increase in our stability, so keep hanging in there while we wait for some good news regarding the advancement toward a brighter future! Patience and stillness is key while we try to remain with a light heart.

If you have questions about spirits, spellwork, herbalism, multi-dimensional topics, divination, or dream work, stop by the Portland location. Deliah will be happy to assist you in the shop and help you find what you need!

To book a reading with Deliah, you can schedule a session with her on her bio page.