Reading of the Week - November 20, 2022

Our Community Reading for the Week comes from Omikemi, Oakland staff member and reader. This reading starts today, Sunday November 20th and runs for the week ahead.

Do you know who you are? Do you know what you can do? Are you afraid of your Darkness or your Light? All of us are beings of limitless potential and the Magician makes her face and magickal tools known to remind us of all that we can accomplish if done with integrity and wisdom.

The Page of Needles beckons to our Inner Erudite who has an arsenal of tools of the mind. Those specifically who walk the path of the Trickster are armed with cleverness, intellect, discernment, and above all a deep understanding and acceptance of the self. How sly and skilled is your Inner Trickster?

Death always speaks to change or transition but what does it mean when the Devil comes to dance in the process? With change comes a letting go and a taking up, a slowing down or speeding up, and simultaneously a welcoming and a goodbye.

The Devil is an delicious elixir that poisons us towards liberation of self and often times our integrity. Remember to drink responsibly…

Omikemi offers Tarot readings, both by phone and in-person, utilizing a two-deck system; using a second deck to help clarify any areas that the client would like.

To learn more visit their bio page.