New Moon in Sagittarius - November 23, 2022

Just a few hours away from this month's Full Moon - it happens today, November 23 at 2:57pm PST. Let's get with Andi (Oakland store manager and our resident astrologer) to see what energies and shifts we are going to be dealing with.

Sagittarius season starts off with a stellar New Moon on November 23rd at 2:57pm, time to kick up those centaur heels and aim that arrow for new horizons!

The Sun and Moon are at 1 degree with Mercury and Venus nearby at 9 and 10 degrees of Sag. The mutable fire sign of Sagittarius brings optimism, buoyancy and amped up energy as well as a thirst for knowledge and new experiences that deepen one's knowledge.

This new moon is a great time to set an intention to learn a new skill, plan a trip, try a new cuisine or explore a part of your city you've never been. Educate yourself on the history of the indigenous folks where you live and share that with the folks you are gathered with this week. Or even better, find out how you can support indigenous people who are still stewarding the land where you are - shop at their businesses, pay a land tax, show up for protests against developments on sacred sites etc.

Channel that fiery passion of Sagittarius into healing!

And just a reminder - Andi is hosting an in-person Astro-Ritual in our Oakland store tonight!

⭐️ Sagittarius New Moon Astro-Ritual
⭐️ Wednesday, November 23 from 7:00pm to 8:30pm
🌚 In-Person at our Oakland Location 🌚

Part astrology class and part ritual, we'll spend some time exploring Sagittarius energies through discussion and then do a ritual that embodies those themes.