New Moon in Capricorn - December 23, 2022

The New Moon is coming up tomorrow, Dec 23, 2022 at 2:16 am. This last New Moon of the year is sure to bring in some changes as we move into the times of gathering and celebration. Let's take a look at what Andi (our in house astrologer and Oakland store manager) has on his outlook.

This Capricorn New Moon, which is normally quite serious and grounded, has an unusual sparkle to it! Kinda like glancing at the trail just as the quartz in the ground catches the sun's rays and sends a flash of light up to your eyes.

The sparkle comes from the square to Jupiter, the planet of abundance and optimism, which just moved into fiery Aries again on 12/21 aka the Winter Solstice. This is a day celebrated by many as the return of the light when the days start getting longer in the Northern Hemisphere.

And with the New Moon's proximity to the Solstice as well, there is an extra sense of renewal and hope for the year to come. Go ahead and start making your New Year's resolutions early and sending out thank you notes to folks who showed up for you this past year.

Utilize the Seagoat's gift of looking to the past to understand the future and create a bridge of gratitude to get you from 2022 to 2023.

And just a reminder - Andi is hosting an in-person Astro-Ritual in our Oakland store tomorrow evening!

⭐️ Capricorn New Moon Astro-Ritual ⭐️ Thursday, December 22 from 7:00pm to 8:30pm 🌚 In-Person at our Oakland Location 🌚

Part astrology class and part ritual, we'll spend some time exploring Capricorn energies through discussion and then do a ritual that embodies those themes. Register to Attend