Reading of the Week - December 18, 2022

For our Community Reading for the Week we asked Jenny in our Portland store for her take on what we have to look forward to. This reading starts today, Sunday October 30th and runs for the week. For this reading Jenny is using Materia Prima, by Uusi

What we see
Meitnerium, a man-made element with a precise geometry and a strong gravitational pull: The structures that constrain our lives were made to do so and they often feel inescapable, but once we can see them clearly they lose much of their power. And if humans created them, then we can create new ones, as well.

Arsenic, a toxic, corrosive metalloid: It's hard to see beyond the struggle sometimes, but we mustn't trust the voices (internal or external) that tell us it's impossible, that tell us to give up or give in. We can neutralize this toxin and thrive.

What we don't see
Strontium, an alkaline earth metal: Know that the earth is always supporting us. Connecting with the security, strength, and stillness of nature helps us to ground and center ourselves, so we can remember our own strength and purpose.

If you would like to get a personal reading from Jenny, she offers both 30 and 60 minute sessions in our Portland store both in person or by phone.

You can easily book a reading with her at her bio page.