Reading of the Week - December 11, 2022

It's time for our Community Reading for the Week! This week Iris from our Portland store shares her insights on what is in store for us in the week ahead. This reading starts today (Sunday, December 11th) and runs through the end of the week. She is using The Wild Unknown Tarot for this week's reading.

Where do we stand?

We stand with the Father of Pentacles behind us. We look back toward those who did their best to leave us a legacy, to provide ground that we are meant to plant in.

Above us, ruling over us, is the World. The universe loves us. We are the hands of the divine, manifesting and creating with every action we take. But also: we are small, finite things. Making meaning in our lives is not the business of the infinite, no matter how beautiful we are.

The ground that we stand on is Judgement. We are tasked with meaning making, we are the ones with agency to improve our lives, our communities, our relationships. We are in charge of asking for what we need, of seeking positive connections, of growing our character by answering the question: who do I choose to be? How will I respond to these circumstances?

And, of course, we’re being blocked from progress by the Devil. Our fear, our trauma, the temptation of self loathing and blame, all block us from seeing the solutions within reach. Likewise, we are blocked by the temptation to carry all the responsibility, as if we are not communal creatures having collective experiences.

Remember those who walked before you and remember that you are an essential, tiny, perfect part of the universe.

Besides being a talented reader, Iris also hosts the monthly on-line Tarot Salon to help others learn about the Tarot and how to read cards for themselves and others.

The next session is happening this week on Wednesday, December 14th. Register using this link.