Full Moon in Gemini - December 7, 2022

The Full Moon is rising tonight, December 7th at 8:08pm PST. Our resident astrologer (and Oakland store manager) has some insight to share with us about the energies this Gemini Full Moon is bringing us.

This Gemini Full Moon packs quite a punch!

The moon reaches its peak fullness at the same degree as Mars, which has been retrograde in Gemini since the end of October. Expect this full moon to shine a big spotlight on whatever issues this Mars retrograde has been serving you.

Mars will still be retrograde until mid January, so we are almost halfway through and this lunation serves as an excellent check in. Are there any unresolved conflicts that need your attention?

Mars in Gemini likes to do everything at once - what can you let go of and what really needs doing right now? Conversations could get heated and emotional so do your best to be direct and not take things personally. We're all living under this spicy full moon after all!

And just a reminder - Andi is hosting an in-person Astro-Ritual in our Oakland store later this month!

⭐️ Capricorn New Moon Astro-Ritual ⭐️
Thursday, December 22 from 7:00pm to 8:30pm
🌚 In-Person at our Oakland Location 🌚

Part astrology class and part ritual, we'll spend some time exploring Capricorn energies through discussion and then do a ritual that embodies those themes.