February 13, 2022 - Reading of the Week

Our Community Reading for the Week comes from Miss Remy at our Portland store. Starting today Sunday, February 13th, she is using the Psychic Tarot Oracle for this week's reading.

2 Spiritual Union
St. Valentine’s Day, as with many things in our modern lives, only matter as much as we want them too. However, what should matter is our connection to ourselves, and even more so, our connection to our Higher-selves. We are reminded at this time, that our connection to Spirit, and our Union with the Divine, are what continue to fill our cup. This year has started off a bit tricky for many of us. And dealing with our human-dramas, can easily distract and disconnect us from our Higher-selves; leaving us feeling lost, alone and very confused. Remember to connect with yourself, perform acts of love for yourself, meditate and unify with your higher-self and with Spirit.

1 Love Begins
When we remember to stay connected, spiritually, our metaphorical cup can remain full. So full in fact, that it can even runneth over. When we are connected with ourselves, we create space to accept and love ourselves. This is were true love begins, within the self and the higher-self. This kind of love opens the pathways to all other types of love. But it starts with you, your lower and higher self, falling in love with each other.

4 Discontent & Boredom
It’s often easiest to stay were you know. To keep doing what you have always done. However, let me ask you this, has that stopped you from being discontented? Are you able to show and have gratitude for change? Even when its scary or the outcome is uncertain? It’s easy to turn your back to ignore the unhappy side of life, but in so doing, you block yourself from seeing all the lessons and healing and growth coming your way. Stop being your own biggest problem. It’s not easy to do, but remember, it’s only as hard as you make it.

For more about Miss Remy and the readings she provides, stop by her bio page on our website where you can book your own reading with her: https://theravenswing.com/missremy