Uruz Rune

Uruz is the rune of creation. Creation of the world and all that is in it. It’s a rune of physical health and prowess. Uruz can be used to manifest change in your life especially around matters of your physical body.

A nice spell would be to ritually draw out the Uruz rune in red on a nice piece of paper. Then carve it into a figure candle representing oneself or a loved one (red would be my preferred color for this spell, but any color that you might relate to would be appropriate). Burn that candle over the course of nine days (nine is a sacred number in Norse-paganism). Each time during this ritual concentrate on whatever your health and physical objective might be. Burning yarrow and juniper along side this ritual would add to the focus on health and physical well-being. On the ninth day burn the rune you drew to close the spell.

In this months rune salon we’ll be focusing on Uruz and it’s relation to the creation of the world in Norse Mythology. We’ll also have an overview of Fehu the first rune in the Futhark. So come and join us for a fun discussion based salon!

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Uruz Rune

Growing up in rural Alaska, Annie would spend the summers running barefoot through the forest and talking to fairies. The harsh weather and extreme change in the light drew her to a Norse/Celtic pagan spiritual path. As the owner of Necessary Magic she works with Runes, Herbal Magic and Tarot, crafting ritual objects and imbuing them with the intention of bringing healing and beauty into the world. For more information you can check out her website: necessarymagic.com and her Instagram accounts @neccessary_magic and @annieaube.