February 6, 2022 - Reading of the Week

Iris from our Portland store was asked to share her insights for our Community Reading for the Week. She is looking ahead from today (Sunday, February 6th) to the end of the week using the Labyrinth Tarot by Minerva Siegel, art by Tomas Hijo.

The Fool - The challenge in front of us requires us to think creatively. We are tempted to play out the role assigned to us, to let the story happen. But The Fool remind us that the steps we take form the path, and that we decide the role we pay in that story. We can shape reality, even just a little, by changing our own habits and behaviors.

4 of Feathers - Resting can be a full time job. It is so much more necessary to rest now, perhaps because we are older or sadder or simply because we are more tired. Rest is not always stillness, anything that refreshes us and restores our hearts is what is necessary.

7 of Junk - We combine these lessons and receive this message as their harvest: Play. Laugh, Sing, Dance. Make art. Make love. Make something you don't intend to sell. Do it sorrowfully, if that's what feels honest, do it joyfully if that pleases you more. It's just important that we make our lives our own, to whatever degree we can.

Interested in getting a personal intuitive tarot reading from Iris? You can find out more about her and schedule a session with this link to her bio page.