March 13, 2022 - Reading of the Week

Deliah from our Portland store was asked to give us our Community Reading for the Week. Looking ahead from today, Sunday, March 13th and running for the week. Deliah is using the Amor Et Psyche deck by Georges Barbier and Rachel Paul for this reading.

The sirens have been sounded, trumpets have blown, and flutes have been driving the chaos. It has been a sitting and waiting game, watching closely to see where the tides turn next. For those that aren’t directly in the middle of the chaos, it has been a time of planning and getting ready for what might be thrown at them.

As the whole world comes together in unity against oppression, we start to see the very beginning of a new era. However, this game must be played delicately so we don’t risk losing ourselves in the process. There is no courage without fear, but it’s not wise to let the fear consume us completely or we become easily blinded in our own reality.

The future's looking bright for the collective humanity in terms of unity. Community and togetherness is going to be increasingly important soon, and so now would be a good time to start those spring projects that allow you to do so. We are stronger together, and by creating together we strengthen our bonds.

If you have questions about spirits, spellwork, herbalism, multi-dimensional topics, divination, or dream work, stop by the Portland location. Deliah will be happy to assist you in the shop and help you find what you need!

To book a reading with Deliah, you can schedule a session with her on her bio page.