New Moon in Pisces - March 2, 2022

Today is the Pisces New Moon! No doubt there is going to be a shift in energies around us - so let's get Andi, or Oakland store manager and in-house astrologer to give us his views on what we should be expecting!

Get ready to go DEEP with the Pisces New Moon on March 2nd at 9:38am. Not only is the new moon conjunct its ruler Jupiter in Pisces, but there are 2 other exact conjunctions: Saturn and Mercury together at 19 degrees Aquarius and Venus, Mars AND Pluto all at 27 degrees Capricorn. That is a lot of energy concentrated in just a few signs!

The vibe is focused, powerful if not outright volatile, and rippling through the collective emotional field. There is much to feel powerless and even hopeless about in the world right now and yet each of us is gifted with the spiritual power of prayer - to speak hope into being. Speak (wail?) aloud your desires for what you want to see shift and then take some action this lunar cycle to bring that desire closer to fruition.

I find comfort in the fact that life exists at depths of the ocean where the Sun's rays do not reach and we know so little about these mysterious survivors. You can call on these allies of the deep, dark, cold to guide you.

For a more in-depth astrological reading, book a session with Andi. He offers several types to choose from (Natal, Transit, Solar Return, and Vocational) to help you really know what is going on in your life.

Andi has returned to offering in-person sessions as well as by phone. To learn more, and book with Andi use the Book Now button on his bio page: