Reading of the Week - May 8, 2022

We asked Iris from our Portland store to share her insights for our Community Reading for the Week. She is looking ahead from today (Sunday, May 8th) to the end of the week using The Wild Unknown Tarot for this week's look ahead.

Today we learn - VI The Lovers
Love is what keeps our hearts pumping and our lungs drawing air. Love is the oxygen that gives us our strength. Love between each partners, between friends, love we offer neighbors and strangers. Love for those in need. Love that tells us when we need to fight for what is right. Love is the perpetuation of life.

Tomorrow we learn - 3 of Wands
We can use love as the mortar between us. We can stack kindness upon kindness to make a structure of support that hold us all up. We can fight one another's fights, demanding more for everyone. Generosity creates kinship. The strength of knowing someone has your back is more sustainable than taking it all on yourself.

So, either we should - 4 of Pentacles
Be deliberate and choosy about how you interact with others, and what you sign up for - there's a lot of good places to put your energy, so make sure you're only taking on what you can support.

Or we should - I The Magician
Know that what you bring is valuable, know that you can create change. Big and small, all the change you make counts.

Interested in getting a personal intuitive tarot reading from Iris?

You can find out more about her and schedule a session with this link to her bio page.