Reading of the Week - May 1, 2022

Our Community Reading for the Week comes from Miss Remy at our Portland store. Starting today Sunday, May 1st, she is using The Shapeshifter Tarot for this week's reading.

11 Nature
Happy and Blessed Beltane to you all! The Wheel of the Year and of Life turns another revolution, and with it a renewed sense of balance and clarity. There have been many things occurring in our world, which result in many of us feeling "wrong," "different," or "unbalanced." We care about what's happening on the other side of town, the other side of the country, even the other side of the world; but the immediate needs of our households come first, and yet we are ALL connected. Justice, as Nature, tells us that a feeling of balance is coming. We have been in Winter's deep inner-sleep, allow yourself to grow, to blossom and to be something more than you were last Spring.

3 The Mother
As the feeling of balance returns, The Mother enters to speak with us about caring for others beyond just ourselves. While it is true, the immediate needs of our households come first; we MUST remember that we are one-global-family and the effects of one ripple outwards affecting all. We must begin to think of our neighbors, those around us and those who occupy this planet with us. We have become so self-centered that we don't even look up from our phones and greet the world face-to-face. The Empress Mother tells you to join the world; physically, mentally and emotionally. To reach out and make a face-to-face, person-to-person, heart-to-heart connection with living breathing people. Return to nature, breathe some fresh air... Life is happening, come join the party!

12 Warrior of Air
Taliesin, the Warrior of Air, the Great Bard enters to give you that extra little push you've been needing. On the swift wings of the mighty Hummingbird, The Warrior sends inspiration. The vines around his feet symbolize your roots and all the groundwork you've already done. The scroll and quill in-hand represent your readiness, creativity and ability; and the sword is a symbol of your strength, there beside you always. The key is to remember all these pieces, and to put them to use. You can do this! Even if you don't have faith in yourself, I have faith in you.

For more about Miss Remy and the readings she provides, stop by her bio page on our website where you can book your own reading with her.