New Moon (and Eclipse) in Taurus - April 30, 2022

Today we have both a New Moon and the first Eclipse of the season combined? Better get with Andi (our resident Astrologer and Oakland store manager) and see what we have in store for us with this combination!

Eclipse season is fully upon us with the Solar Eclipse at 10 degrees Taurus on Saturday at 1:28pm.

It is quite fitting that the Sabian symbol for this eclipse is "Someone Sprinkling a Long Row of Flowers" since it is also Beltane, the pagan holiday to celebrate Spring and fertility!

Eclipses usually bring about new beginnings or endings so pay special attention to what is budding and what needs to be weeded from your life. With Venus and Jupiter also conjoining in Pisces on the same day, you will see the world through rose colored glasses and everything might be *too* lovely, if that's possible.

Enjoy the sweet sensuousness of it all while it lasts and hold space for any grief that may arise from the depths of this powerful Piscean duet.

For a more in-depth astrological reading, book a session with Andi. He offers several types to choose from (Natal, Transit, Solar Return, and Vocational) to help you really know what is going on in your life.

Andi has returned to offering in-person sessions at our Oakland store as well as by phone and Zoom. To learn more, and book with Andi use the Book Now button on his bio page.