Reading of the Week - June 26, 2022

Time to share our Community Reading for the Week! We asked Oakland reader and staff member Rowan for his take on the week ahead starting today, Sunday June 26th. For this reading they are using the Shakespeare Playing Cards.

8 of Clubs (Lear's Fool):
Now is a time to be steadfast in the face of adversity. Someone near and dear to you needs you to be honest with them because no one else is willing to be. Honesty can take many qualities: brutal, indifferent, patient, supportive. Do not let "speaking the truth" make you hard or unkind.

7 of Hearts (Titania & Oberon):
You have become caught in a song and dance with the object of your desire, and you must push past the veil of illusions to see the situation clearly. It is natural for emotions to heat and cool, but be careful to avoid mind games or your experiences may be more bitter than sweet.

King of Clubs (Falstaff):
A great fool will come to you, but whether he brings good news or bad is uncertain. What is innocent fun one day can become a horrid liability the next. Be careful with foolish people, and make sure your company keeps the same values you do.

Rowan is now offering optional Candle Services along with his readings!

To get to know more about these and to book a reading from him, check out his bio page.