Reading of the Week - June 19, 2022

For our Community Reading for the Week we asked Jenny in our Portland store for her take on what we have to look forward to. This reading starts today, Sunday June 19th and runs for the week. For this reading Jenny is using the Sasuraibito Tarot and Empty Cup Oracle, both by Stasia Burrington.

What to lean into
The Fool

It’s never too late to try something new, the future is still unwritten. Take a chance! We are capable of adapting our approach no matter how old we are.

What to avoid
The Hermit

This week is not the time to go it alone or spend too much time in the echo chamber of our own thoughts. The same patterns only yield the same results.

Note from the Universe

The ties that bind can be both a lifeline and a form of bondage. How are we engaging with our tethers?

If you would like to get a personal reading from Jenny, she offers both 30 and 60 minute sessions in person at the Portland store or by phone.

You can easily book a reading with her when you visit her bio page.